Compare Multi-Purpose Juicers (continued)

Read part I first — Compare with Green Star

This is my personal experience of Samson’s new high-tech auger (its grinding screw — the most critical part in a juicer) and the old auger of many other juicers.

FunctionOLD Auger of Omega, Galaxy, Oscar, Vitality4Life**Samson’s NEW A uger
Juicing large pineappleThick pineapple sludge-juice begins to back up into hopper chute, pineapple juice drips out under the chute’s locking clip.

Juicer has to be turned upside-down to empty chute, locking clip ends up sticky inside & hard-to-clean
Samson juices entire pineapple effortlessly, no back-up of juice or sludge.
Juicing wheatgrassEntire handful of wheatgrass would be stuck to auger when I came to clean it. Rather frustrating after all the effort of growing the grass.

I had to cut all blades of wheatgrass into three, which made it difficult to place in chute — little pieces of wheatgrass sticking to my fingers.
Samson juices handfuls of wheatgrass beautifully, as good as dedicated wheatgrass juicer like Wheateena.
Juicing applesLarge chunks of apple skin (with apple flesh) would be stuck to auger when I came to clean it. I had to cut up apple pieces unreasonably small and push with tremendous effort to get auger to suck them in (cut them lengthwise down core, then horizontally).

When juicing many apples, same back-up of juice-sludge as with pineapple, and dripping beneath the locking clip.
With Samson, you cut apples quickly only one way (lengthwise down core). Its auger sucks whole pieces in effortlessly.

No skin gets stuck to auger. No back-up of juice-sludge, and no pool of juice on table below locking clip.
CleaningEvery time there was so much debris stuck to ridges and between them, that the basin in which I rinsed auger (so it wouldn’t go down drain) was a thick soup.

The inside of locking clip was filled with juice, had to turn juicer sideways to empty it, great effort to clean all stickiness out, never really managed, and locking clip began to stick more and more to the main body.
Samson is virtually debris-free. Never a blade of wheatgrass stuck. One small piece of apple skin after juicing dozen apples.

Inside of locking clip bone dry. Juice seldom drips down onto table below clip.

I’m not saying Omega, Galaxy, Oscar, etc. have these problems today. I can’t keep up with all the auger changes! What I *am* saying is that Samson *consistently* is ahead of its competitors in the design of the mechanical parts.

All single-screw multi-purpose juicers use the same motor. So it’s the juicer with the best-design mechanics that wins. This in my experience is Samson.

The Hype Out There

There’s so much hype out there, e.g that one juicer has a better motor, or another produces 20% more juice.

This is nonsense! There are only two makers of small motors in Korea, and all the juicer manufacturers are buying from one of them. Both motors have the same specification. The capacity of motor is 1/3 HP (not 1/2 HP).

The *only real* difference is in the mechanical parts, such as the auger. In my experience, Samson is consistently the leader in designing the best parts.

As the Samson importer e-mailed me:

“We are the true champion and pioneer for the best quality. We have our pride about that and will keep it continuously”

Omega 8002 Juicer

An Omega distributor e-mailed me:

“Omega 8002 has quality problem, clogging up quickly with fruits and soft vegetables. Also makes a lot of foam. It’s not easy to remove juicing screen (hard to grab with fingers).”

One of my newsletter readers wrote to me:

“A couple of days ago, I received an Omega 8002 juicer that I had purchased over the net. It had such a good write-up.

Anyway, I’ve not had too much luck with it, finding that when I juice carrots, it leaves more juice in the discarded pulp than my juiceman junior, and leaves more pulp and foam in the actual juice. Also, my attempts at juicing wheatgrass have not been good, with the pulp being rather wet and foamy, and the wheatgrass juice seeping out from a connection just behind the pulp ejector, and not from the place where it should be coming from – i.e. the juice outlet.

I tried the juicer for two days, reading and re-reading the instruction book, and trying different settings for the pressure, and was so unimpressed. Needless to say, I’m packing it up to return it.”

Her description sounds exactly like my own experience of the old auger (see chart above). It seems Omega has lengthened the auger in front — claiming it’s a “2-stage system that outperforms one-stage crushing systems.” But all it really does is make it harder to remove the juicing screen inside — ya gotta have extra-long fingers!

They’ve done nothing substantial to change the auger at the base under the hopper, where it sucks in the fruits and vegetables for crushing. This is the point that counts the most, in my experience. And this is where Samson excels — with its swirly ridges all differently spaced at different heights, it looks like high-tech physics and it works like magic!

Solo Star Juicer

The same Omega distributor e-mailed me:

“Solo Star made almost 3 times of bubbles and more coarse pulp together with juice. Try apple or potato for juicing. Then, you will see the difference.”

Read more about Solo Star here on first comparison page.

Omega 8001 Juicer

Samson is superior to the Omega 8001 and their price is the same.

Samson and the old Omega 8001 look similar when you check their parts, but they are made in two different factories in Korea. The Omega 8001 is Samson’s old model which was called the Oscar juicer.

The new Samson model has a newly-designed Auger for the best grinding of fibers (before pressing out the juice). The Oscar brand-name still belongs to Samson — but the juicer was renamed Samson when its design was upgraded to the best now available.

Incidentally, another copy of the old Oscar model, made in a third factory in Korea, is the NUC juicer, also sold under the brand names “Galaxy” or “Vitality 4 Life.”

How to Preserve Juice

What’s the best way to keep your juice for drinking later? I understand the need to juice once a day but not drink it all at once.

The secret is to *vacuum-seal* single-servings of juice, NOT magnetize your juice!

When I worked in Manhattan, I juiced every second or third day. A green-drink (juice of green grasses and leaves) is the quick way to clear a headache and lift your energy after working all day in an oxygen-starved city or building.

I kept my juices vacuum-sealed for freshness in the refrigerator. You fill an 8-oz. glass bottle to the top (e.g. a small water bottle like San Pellegrino) and insert a wine bottle vacuum sealer, e.g. the Vacuvin. When sealing, leave no air space in the bottle.

Enjoy your bone-strengthening minerals throughout the day! Without a doubt, GREEN JUICES are NATURE’S HEALER — with their:

  • Natural sodium — builds cartilage of joints, to help end the pain of arthritis;
  • Calcium — for strong bones and teeth;
  • Vitamin K1 — which your body converts into vitamin K2, so you deposit calcium into your bones and not into your arteries (never take a calcium supplement unless you take vitamin K2 at the same time);
  • Magnesium — for heart and circulatory muscles; every single chlorophyll molecule has a magnesium atom at its heart;
  • Potassium — for nerves, clear thinking, and stress reduction — partnered with sodium from greens (not table salt);
  • Anti-oxidants — like SOD; greens are so high in anti-oxidants because they must protect themselves from their own oxygen they’re busy manufacturing;
  • Anti-inflammatories — like P4D1 in cereal grasses (fresh wheatgrass juice) which research shows has more powerful anti-inflammatory properties than steroids such as cortisone.

No wonder Ann Wigmore got such good results using wheatgrass juice in diseases as diverse as cancer, arthritis and AIDS. High in oxygen, high in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories (talk about the Wrinkle Cure), high in all the alkaline minerals — there alone is magic, even before you look at the unique chemical properties of the chlorophyll molecule for cleansing and rebuilding.

Fresh fruit juices, too, have an excellent potassium-sodium ratio for nerves and brain, but go easy on fruits because of their sugar. Juice greens first, then add fruit like apple for sweetener.

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