How To Do a Colon Cleanse & Implants of Wheat Grass Juice into Your Colon

Did you know there’s a bicycle tire stuck to your colon walls? Now you may’ve swallowed a fly, and perhaps even a small spider. But did you honestly swallow a bicycle tire?

I was shocked when I did my colon cleanse. One day at work in a Manhattan law office, I felt something sticking out of my anus. “Oh no, I’m pooping in my pants!” I panicked. And I was only 40 at the time.

I rushed to the toilet, tried to wipe it away with paper. That didn’t work, so I grabbed it and pulled this piece of black tire out of my rectum! It looked just like a piece of bicycle tire.

True to form, I was hopelessly addicted to sugar at the time. Yet the colon cleanse still worked! My friend Helene at work invited me out one Friday evening and I replied, “I can’t go. I have to go to Dunkin Donuts and David’s Cookies and then a sugar-crawl through Grand Central Station.”

I listed all the goodies I’d stuff myself with! And proceeded to do just that. Are you ever so insane? Choose to kill yourself when you could be out having fun with a friend?

Raw foods healed my insanity. Cleaning my colon was a critical step on the path.

How Feces Stick to Colon Walls

What’s a bicycle tire doing in your colon? And perhaps parasites and worms too?

Robert Gray writes in The Colon Health Handbook: New Health Through Colon Rejuvenation (#ad)

“The walls of the colon are constantly at work absorbing moisture out of the contents … As moisture is absorbed from a SLIMY medium in the colon, the medium becomes sticky and glues a coating of itself to the walls of the colon. As layer after layer of gluey feces piles up in the colon, they often form into a tough, rubbery black substance.”

The question is, why is it slimy? When you’re eating the natural diet of humans — fresh fruit & vegetables — your feces are watery, not slimy. Fruit & veg are 80-95% water. They don’t have any slime! Fresh fruit & veg never stick to your colon walls.

Slimy food is any food that is mucus-forming. You know how a dusty room will make you cough? Your body is releasing mucus to trap the dust particles and protect itself.

In the same way, your colon wall releases mucus to protect itself from toxic food. What’s toxic? To me, it’s anything that doesn’t look like it does in nature. Home-cooked plant food (such as butternut & brown rice) is not toxic, in my experience.

Brown rice will create a little slime in your colon because, like flesh food, it’s de-magnetized. It’s lost its life force. In Colon Health: The Key to a Vibrant Life (#ad) Dr Norman Walker writes:

“When “demagnetized” food passes through the body system … these foods leave a coating of slime on the inner walls of the colon like plaster on a wall.

…The consequent result is a starvation of which we are not conscious but which causes old age and senility to race towards us with the throttle wide open.”

Of course, hamburger on white roll is a lot more demagnetized (lifeless) than fresh butternut from the farmer’s market that you steam for a few minutes!

Which Foods are Mucus Forming?

Mucus is a normal body secretion. All mucus membranes secrete mucus to keep their surfaces moist and lubricated. It’s when they are forced to secrete abnormal amounts, that the slime begins.

Robert Gray writes that dairy products from cow’s milk, pasteurized or raw, are the most mucus-forming of all foods. This is easy to test for yourself. Go without dairy for a month, then eats lots of it all day! You’ll sneeze like a Windex bottle on mist mode.

Dr. T. Colin Campbell found that the protein in dairy (casein) promotes cancer. Is it any surprise that colo-rectal cancer is so common? When you have a carcinogenic substance sticking to the walls of your colon? I recall decades ago, in 1972, reading in a bookshop in London that dairy is the #1 cause of cancer of the colon.

Flesh foods — meat, fish, fowl and eggs — are almost as mucus-forming as dairy, though they affect our respiratory tract less.

In the plant world, cooked soya beans are the most mucus-forming — similar to that of meat, fish and eggs, and close to that of dairy.

The myth that soya beans are good for vegans is based on their biochemical similarity to animal products. And also because the soya industry is huge, destroying rain forests in Brazil to plant more soya to meet the demands of dirty food factories for soya oil.

Big Bucks wants you to eat soya! So it pays Madison Avenue to convince us it’s healthy. But if it’s biochemically similar to animal protein, why do we want to eat it?

After soya beans, come all other pulses. But they lose their mucus-forming effect after 3-4 days of sprouting. Mung beans are 9% water (by weight) but mung bean sprouts are 90% water! Water is not slimy. Indeed, your mucus membranes want water for lubrication.

When I was transitioning to raw, I *loved* the taste of fresh soya sprouts, steamed for a few minutes. Try it 🙂

Next come the grains. Buckwheat is the most mucus-forming and millet the least. But again, when you sprout them, they lose that mucoid effect. Another reason to stop cooking! Last in line come the oily seeds like sunflower and flax.

Vegetables and fruits are virtually free of mucus-forming action. They are Nature’s purest foods. The exceptions are gas-ripened bananas and sulphured dried fruit.

Use Herbs & Water to Clean Your Colon

Sadly, most of us were not raised on fresh fruit and vegetables, sprouts and leafy greens. We’ve gone from the lovely pink colon walls we had as babies, to hard impacted feces and a bicycle tire in our colon.

Actually, old mucoid gunk sticks to the walls of your stomach and small intestines as well.

In the small intestines, it interferes with nutrient absorption. The larger molecules, such as proteins, vitamins and enzymes, suffer the most.

The same gunk in your colon causes auto-intoxication (self-poisoning). Sticky goo (not yet hardened into tire) is a cesspool of decaying matter. Toxins released by this decay get into your bloodstream and travel to every cell.

So it’s best to clean out your entire gastro-intestinal tract, not just your colon. We do this by swallowing herbs. Herbs are like claws that dig into the old impacted gunk, and pull it away from the walls of your stomach, intestines and colon, leaving the membranes sparkling clean.

I used Robert Gray’s Holistic Horizons Intestinal Cleansing (#ad) herbs. It’s a 3-month program that works so well, it even got the tire out when I was eating Dunkin Donuts! Of course, it’s a lot more effective if you quit flesh, dairy, white flour, white sugar and oils, when you do your cleanse.

Then you use water — an enema, colema or colonic irrigation once or twice a week — to wash the material out. An enema can be used daily during the cleanse, but it’s not as effective as colemas and colonics. A colema is a 5-gallon enema. You lie on a special colema board. I bought my own and did it at home.

If you’re a little scared of doing it yourself, then begin with a colon therapist, one with professional colonic irrigation equipment. It’s how I began. Then I bought my own colema board and enema bag.

Check out the variety of colema boards and enema bags (#ad) for colon cleansing.

If you get a colema board, then it’s best you also get Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care: A Complete Program for Tissue Cleansing through Bowel Management (#ad), by Dr. Bernard Jensen. This book describes in detail how to do colemas — very inspiring!

Popular in the rawfood world is the Ejuva Body Cleansing Program (#ad). Ejuva is raw vegan and gluten-free with 100% organic and wildcrafted ingredients. Ejuva is not just a colon cleanse! Ejuva cleans all the organs of the body as well as your tissues, your entire lymph system, and your entire alimentary canal from throat to rectum. It’s a 4-week program.

How to Take an Enema

colon diagram

The best position for an enema is to lie flat on the floor on your left side. I lay down in my bath.

Hang the enema bag above you on a hook in the wall. This way the water flows easily into your colon when you release the valve in the tubing.

To help retain the water, breathe deeply through your mouth. Also massage your colon while the water is inside you.

Move your right hand in clockwise circular motions, starting at the bottom right where your colon begins.

Enemas can’t send water through the whole colon. That’s why it’s better to get a Colema board and Dr Bernard Jensen’s book (#ad).

Your colon has nerve endings connected to every organ in the body, similar to the endings in the soles of your feet. Colemas perform an internal reflexology! Water is the masseuse.

Wheatgrass Implants

For implants, Dr Ann advises to take two a day during your cleansing program, in her book Be Your Own Doctor: A Positive Guide to Natural Living (#ad). Begin with half a cup of wheatgrass juice and increase to a cup by easy stages.

You do an enema, then half-hour later you implant the wheatgrass juice. I used a baby syringe to squirt it in. Dr Ann used a regular enema bag with an 18-inch catheter to replace the usual rectal tube. I wasn’t about to stick an 18-inch anything up my rectum! No way.

Still, I see her point. A catheter is a soft latex rubber or plastic tube. It’s not glass. So you can safely push it up your colon. And it reaches much further than the rectal tube of an enema bag.

Keep the juice in your colon for 20-30 minutes but NOT longer. When you lie on your back and brace your feet against a wall, it helps to hold the juice in!

While holding the implant, do reflexology on your feet — press various spots to loosen up toxins.

You may want to wait until you’ve finished your 4-week or 3-month cleanse, then do the wheatgrass implants. It’s such a hassle to grow and juice two cups of wheatgrass juice every day! So you wait until you’re truly clean inside to gain maximum benefit.

But with her critically ill patients (such as cancer and heart disease) Dr Ann did wheatgrass implants from day one, along with wheatgrass juice therapy. In Be Your Own Doctor (#ad), Dr Ann writes:

“The implants of wheatgrass chlorophyll constitute the greatest blood cleanser and builder known. … It can actually save human life when oral feeding is impossible. The colon is cleansed simultaneously.”

Repopulate After Cleaning

Remember to repopulate your colon with healthy bacteria, after cleaning it.

You can use:

Or take a good fresh probiotic. Test whether it’s alive by using it to make vegan yogurt.

Listen to those Who Heal

A clean colon and small intestines are critical to healing. You can’t absorb enough nutrients, and instead re-poison yourself, when your GI tract (gastro-intestinal) is dirty.

Are you ready to release all that junk you’ve eaten since infancy, stuck to the walls of your colon?

Listen to what the integrative healers are saying!

Dr Norman W. Walker in Colon Health: The Key to a Vibrant Life (#ad):

“The very best of diets can be no better than the very worst if the sewage system of the colon is clogged.”

Robert Gray in The Colon Health Handbook (#ad):

“Your colon is packed with a lifetime’s accumulation of old, hardened feces … You will never attain superb health before all of the old, hardened feces within your body have been dissolved and removed.”

Dr. Bernard Jensen in Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care (#ad):

“In the 50 years I’ve spent helping … 300,000 patients, it is the bowel that invariably has to be cared for first before any effective healing can take place.”

Dr Ann Wigmore in Rebuild Your Health: With High Energy Enzyme Nourishment (#ad):

“It is my very strong belief that all disease originates in the colon.”

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