Addiction — eating the same junk food over and over —
is your body-mind clamoring for Nature’s nutrients
Feed your cells the Food they need and you’ll find you are Free!
I thought I was mentally unbalanced when I drank again and again, smoked again and again, ate at McDonald’s again and again (I was vegetarian but addicted to strawberry milkshake with french fries).
I went to a Ph.D. therapist in New York City. She helped me to see why I did it, but it didn’t stop. I could not stop. I have no will-power (I was an alcoholic for 23 years). We had no idea my problem was imbalanced biochemistry.
The month I began to blend raw Energy Soup, I saw light at the end of my dark tunnel. For the first time in my life I knew I’d break free from my torment of self-destruct. That is the power of blended greens. Today every addiction has gone. My cells are fulfilled and happy with Nature’s sweet foods.
Please, I beg you, give Green Smoothies a chance, give balanced nutrition her day. You were born for laughter and love. You were born to feel good every day.
There are two paths — the dark way of whipping yourself, oh mea culpa, my fault, why don’t I have any will-power? It’s an outside dark force in control of my life, forcing me to eat and eat and eat.
Then there’s the path of light. Whatever you crave, FIRST have a Green Smoothie. Five days a week for one year. Eat whatever you like (I did) but promise me you’ll make your GREEN Smoothie first.
LIVING greens are the best food for balance. Because they’re in perfect balance, alive in the moment you eat them. Only here will you find the GoGreen Sprouter to grow greens without soil. Living greens work quicker than greens from the market.
I empty an entire Sprouter tray of greens like sunflower into my blender, add fruit in season, and you know what? I don’t want chocolate muffin today. My cells are satisfied. It’s magic to see a satisfied cell. One moment it’s clamoring “gimme, gimme,” the next it’s saying “thank you.”
Unique Meals with a Vitamix High-Speed Blender
Photo + text are © Vita-Mix Corp. I eat high-raw plant-strong. My Vita-Mix & iPod are my most precious possessions!
Best Way to Lose Weight
Whole RAW foods are perfectly balanced to give YOU balance and wholeness.
You get — protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, natural sugars, enzymes, green chlorophyll, and nature’s secret life-saving phytochemicals — only in a Vitamix!
Watch the Unwanted pounds drop away as you Enjoy your Smoothies!
Truth to tell, Jon Gabriel is our expert on losing weight with raw foods. Jon lost 226 pounds (103 kg) and has a body to die for.
How to Cook AND Freeze?
How does the Vitamix Blender Cook Soups AND Freeze Ice-cream?
High-speed blade action is the secret to friction cooking and making frozen treats in the Vitamix! For frozen treats, the high-performance hammermill and cutting blades crush frozen ingredients and release coldness.
Vitamix processing is so fast, there is no time for melting and the mixture re-freezes itself.
For cooking soups, the blade speed builds a friction heat that brings fresh ingredients to steaming hot in 4-6 minutes. For rawfood soup, simply blend for one minute, and use water with hard root vegetables.
Discover More
- Raw Chocolate Recipes
- Ann Wigmore Chart for Raw Foods & Living Foods — and Avoid Altogether foods.
- Download Free Plans – to build an Automatic Sprouter — enjoy living greens in your kitchen
- Blending Links — see all info on Blending.
- Site Map — see the whole feast 🙂